

Περιεχόμενο μαθήματος (Syllabus)

The Faculty of Social and Education Policy coordinates the Intensive ΕRASMUS Programme “Leadership For Learning in Education”.

Collaborating Universities:

Dublin City University, School of Education Studies

European University Cyprus, Department of Education Sciences

Pamukkale Universiyt, Faculty of Education Kinikli Campus

Rzeszow University, Faculty of Social Sciences

Vytautus Magnus University, Department of Education

University of Southampton, Southampton Education School

The ERASMUS IP will take place between 29-6/12-7-2014, in Korinthos-Greece


1. Educational: The IP focuses on the topic of educational leadership. On a theoretical level the IP will familiarise the students with different models of educational leadership, focusing on latest developments. Through a series of presentations and discussions the students will

(a) relate models of educational leadership to specific national contexts,

(b) compare and contrast different forms of (initial or continuous) teacher training (TT)/professional development for educational leadership and their relation to the different educational leadership models relating them to national history and specificities and

(c) analyse how and to what extent the EU policy context influences (directly or indirectly) the development of policy contexts/educational platforms at national level.

 (d) shed light on structural factors that foster or impede the implementation of EU policy at the national level.

2. Social: The IP provides an opportunity (a) for the improvement of students’ social skills and the understanding of different cultures, (b) for the formation of links between the partner universities and (c) the development of an interdisciplinary approach in the field of organisation of education and education leadership.

Target group: Higher education students in faculties of education/education policy.


Main Activities:

The activities include seminars and lectures, presentations by students’ working groups and workshops. All seminars lectures and presentations will be followed by discussions to ensure the full participation of students. A final plenary seminar with guest speakers will take placeon the last day. The open-source learning platform module integrated in the website of the University of the Peloponnese will be used for preparation and post-review as well as additional support purposes. Use of ICT tools and services to support the preparation and follow up of the IP, contributing to a sustainable learning community in the subject area of Leadership for Learning in

Education. The website of the IP will be integrated in available platform where both programme information and contacts can be found. In addition internal (password- protected) access will be provided for all the participants in the intensive programme. Statistical data and the results of the evaluation will be published on the website of the University of the Peloponnese.

Learning Outcomes:

The participating students are conceived of as future school leaders. They should demonstrate that they fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of particular leadership models. They are expected to show a capacity to analyze policy and practice in relation to (a) EU policy and discourse and (b) contextual factors and historical specificities that guide reforms at national level.

At the end of the IP students should be able to compare and contrast leadership models and teacher training systems in the participating countries, provide examples of good practice and judge the extent to which these practices are transferable.  Learning together with fellow students from other European countries strengthens inter-cultural competencies. At the same time it is one of the most important preconditions for the creation of international and inter-disciplinary networks/community of practice in the field of educational leadership.

Expected Outputs:

To develop a sustainable community of practice in the field of educational leadership. To this end the participants will communicate regularly during the preparation phase, will upload their presentations on the workspace that will be provided on the UoP website, and at the end of the IP will be expected to provide a paper based on their presentation. Participating universities will be asked to add a link to a web page at the University of Peloponnese, which will be constructed especially in order to facilitate the dissemination of information on the IP. If possible the papers will be published in a collective volume, with the participants being actively  involved in the publication. Alternatively all the material produced from the IP presentations and papers will be uploaded on the web site of the University of Peloponnese and sent by mail to interested recipients.

