Πρόγραμμα παρουσιάσεων

A.M. Επώνυμο Όνομα Θέμα Ημερομηνία Β' παρουσίασης
2022201902001 Αδαμοπούλου Φωτεινή Personal learning environments and social networks in secondary education. The case of the e-me platform 22/1/2020
2022201902002 Βελέντζας Αλέξανδρος Deep learning 22/1/2020
2022201902003 Γαλάτης Αθανάσιος A Survey on IoT Security: Application Areas 18/12/2019
2022201902004 Γιαννούλη Κατερίνα An IoT sensor and scenario survey for data researchers  22/1/2020
2022201902006 Θεοδώρου Χρήστος A Survey on Deep Learning Algorithms, Techniques and Applications 18/12/2019
2022201902007 Καλαντζή Αικατερίνη Systematically Understanding the Cyber Attack Business 8/1/2020
2022201902008 Κουτρουμάνης Νικόλαος-Σπυρίδων Security, Privacy and Trust for Smart Mobile-Internet of Things (M-IoT): A survey 8/1/2020
2022201902009 Κωνσταντόπουλος Αθανάσιος Prevailing and emerging cyber threats and security practices  8/1/2020
2022201902011 Λαλουδάκης Κωνσταντίνος Survey on Brain-Computer interface  15/1/2020
2022201902012 Παπαβραμίδου Ζωή Text Analysis in Adversarial Settings: Does Deception Leave a Stylistic Trace? 22/1/2020
2022201902013 Πασχάλης Νικόλαος Security and Privacy on Blockchain   
2022201902014 Παταρίδης Γεώργιος A Survey on Automatic Detection of Hate Speech in Text 15/1/2020
2022201902015 Πολύδερα Έλλη State of the art survey of deep learning and machine learning models for smart cities 8/1/2020
2022201902016 Σελίμης Γεώργιος Gamification in Special EduCation 15/1/2020
2022201902017 Σουμής Δημήτριος Evaluating Domain Ontologies: Clarification, Classification and Challenges  18/12/2019
2022201802031 Τζιωρτζίδης Παναγιώτης Current Research on IoT Security: A survey 18/12/2019
2022201902018 Τρίκολα Βασιλική Methods and Tools for policy analysis 15/1/2020