Διδακτορικό πρόγραμμα
Γενικά πολυμεσικά αρχεία | Ημερομηνία | |
Time Series ARIMA Models in Stata | 24-10-2018 | |
Survival Analysis in Stata | 24-10-2018 | |
StataCorp. Videos | 24-10-2018 | |
Stata Tutorial: Introduction to Stata | 24-10-2018 | |
Spatial Econometrics in Stata | 24-10-2018 | |
Seemingly Unrelated Regressions in Stata | 24-10-2018 | |
Quantile Regression in Stata | 24-10-2018 | |
Propensity Score Matching in Stata | 24-10-2018 | |
Probit and Logit Models in Stata | 24-10-2018 | |
Principal Component Analysis and Factor Analysis in Stata | 24-10-2018 | |
Panel Data Models in Stata | 24-10-2018 | |
Ordered Probit and Logit Models in Stata | 24-10-2018 | |
Multinomial Probit and Logit Models in Stata | 24-10-2018 | |
Linear Regression in Stata | 24-10-2018 | |
Limited Dependent Variable Models in Stata | 24-10-2018 | |
Instrumental Variables in Stata | 24-10-2018 | |
Count Data Models in Stata | 24-10-2018 |